


Summarize a project, given:

  • the path to a package.json file
  • the path to a dr-generated.json file
  • the URI of a documentation site
  • the URI of a repository
  • (optional) a banner
  • or (optional) the path to a file which represents a banner


import path from 'node:path'
import { fork } from 'fluture'
fork(done)(x => {
    "this is a cool test!",
    "## apps",
    " * [docs](//repo.biz/apps/docs) - documentation site for monoculture",
    "## packages",
    " * [bloodline](//repo.biz/packages/bloodline) - determine the relationships between files 🩸",
    " * [climate](//repo.biz/packages/climate) - CLI utilities, friend 👯",
    " * [climate-json](//repo.biz/packages/climate-json) - JSON parser for climate 🐐",
    " * [climate-toml](//repo.biz/packages/climate-toml) - TOML parser for climate 🍅",
    " * [climate-yaml](//repo.biz/packages/climate-yaml) - YAML parser for climate 🍠",
    " * [clox](//repo.biz/packages/clox) - boxes for the terminal ⏰",
    " * [doctor-general](//repo.biz/packages/doctor-general) - documentation generation 🩻",
    " * [doctor-general-jest](//repo.biz/packages/doctor-general-jest) - documentation generation - jest 🃏",
    " * [doctor-general-mdx](//repo.biz/packages/doctor-general-mdx) - documentation generation - mdx 🩺",
    " * [file-system](//repo.biz/packages/file-system) - fs, but in the future 🔮",
    " * [inherent](//repo.biz/packages/inherent) - functional utilities for primitives ⛺️",
    " * [kiddo](//repo.biz/packages/kiddo) - child processes in the future 👶",
    " * [knot](//repo.biz/packages/knot) - functional utilities for strings 🪢",
    " * [monocle](//repo.biz/packages/monocle) - inspect code and apply rules, magically 🧐",
    " * [monorail](//repo.biz/packages/monorail) - plugins for smug grins 🚂",
    " * [robot-tourist](//repo.biz/packages/robot-tourist) - human-centric source code interpreter 🤖",
    " * [water-wheel](//repo.biz/packages/water-wheel) - future-wrapping for streaming interfaces 🌊",
    "## shared",
    " * [eslint-config-monoculture](//repo.biz/shared/eslint-config-monoculture) - shared eslint configuration for monoculture packages 🧹",
    " * [jest-config](//repo.biz/shared/jest-config) - shared jest configuration for monoculture packages 🎪",
    " * [monoculture-tsconfig](//repo.biz/shared/monoculture-tsconfig) - shared tsconfig for monoculture packages 😵",
    "## tools",
    " * [digested](//repo.biz/tools/digested) - summarize and automatically generate information about your projects 🍽️",
    " * [doctor-general-cli](//repo.biz/tools/doctor-general-cli) - documentation generation in a nice CLI 🫡",
    " * [gitparty](//repo.biz/tools/gitparty) - visualize git logs with magical context 🎨",
    " * [spacework](//repo.biz/tools/spacework) - meta tools for monoculture ☄️",
    " * [superorganism](//repo.biz/tools/superorganism) - script runner from beyond the moon 🐁",
    " * [treacle](//repo.biz/tools/treacle) - command line interface tree visualization pun 🫠",
  readme: true,
  dirPath: process.cwd(),
  banner: 'this is a cool test!',
  // repoUrl: 'https://github.com/brekk/monoculture/tree/main',
  // docUrl: 'https://brekk.github.io/monoculture',
  // base package only!
  repoUrl: '//repo.biz',
  docUrl: '//repo.doc',
  pkgPath: '../../package.json',
  drGenPath: '../../apps/docs/dr-generated.json'

Tools for Monorepos